10 Cartoons That Define The 2000s

While not grabbing the same spotlight as cartoons from the ’80s, ’90s, or today, a multitude of animated series from the 2000s have solidified their status as timeless classics. The sheer brilliance of certain shows is glaringly evident, sparking enthusiastic celebrations even among adult fans. Conversely, some have slipped into relative obscurity without garnering the acclaim they deserve.

A notable chunk of standout 2000s shows lacks official releases, leaving viewers with only the threads of their memories to weave the fabric of those cherished moments. Yet, for those fortunate enough to have official releases, throwing support their way is more than worthwhile.

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Here are 10 cartoons that define the 2000s.

Teacher’s Pet
Ben 10
My Life as a Teenage Robot
Kim Possible
Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends
Teen Titans
Danny Phantom
2000s Cartoons
Justice League Unlimited
2000s Cartoons
Samurai Jack

– Farheen Ali 
