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10 ‘Invincible’ Villains Fans Secretly Wish Had Met Their Death Twice

In the world of ‘Invincible’, the main character encounters numerous supervillains, many of whom are truly despicable. As Mark Grayson evolves as a hero, he attempts to engage his adversaries with empathy and understanding. 

Regrettably, Invincible’s gestures of kindness often go unnoticed, especially when dealing with the more sinister foes. Invincible is unapologetic about dispatching villains, and several of Mark’s enemies meet a gruesome end. However, the following 10 villains are so nefarious that some fans secretly wish they had met their demise not once, but twice.

Robot Invincible 2
Thragg Invincible 11
Conquest Invincible 61
Angstrom Invincible 16
Dinosaurus  Invincible 68
Anissa Invincible 44
D.A. Sinclair Invincible 20
The Sequids  Invincible 18
Battle Beast Invincible 19
David Hiles  Invincible 1
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