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Movie Franchises Where The First Movie Isn’t The Best One

In the past, movie trilogies relied on a solid first film to advance the series, but as popular IPs become more popular, more and more first films wind up falling short of the sequels in terms of quality. A successful franchise depends on making a run of entertaining films. Nonetheless, a lot of franchises only started to take off once the first movie came out.

While the succeeding instalments do not necessarily have the same quality as the initial film, this does not mean that they are inferior. This can also happen when a sequel features a much-improved franchise due to a change in director or style. Here are some movie franchises where the first movie isn’t the best one.

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The Purge
Suicide Squad
Star Wars
Planet Of The Apes
Evil Dead
Mad Max
Wolverine Trilogy
Harry Potter
Captain America
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