Ranking The Most Iconic ‘Harry Potter’ Spells

The ‘Harry Potter’ series stands out as one of the century’s best and most enchanting cinematic experiences. J.K. Rowling’s ‘Harry Potter’ book series has left an indelible mark, captivating readers with its memorable characters, compelling storyline, immersive world and a magical system filled with wonder.

In the wizarding realm, spells serve various purposes, from everyday tasks to self-defence and even dealing with adversaries. As Harry Potter remains a popular pop-culture phenomenon, anticipation is high for the upcoming small-screen adaptation.

With a reported seven-season series in the works, the iconic spells that defined the magical journey are expected to play a significant role, ensuring a touch of movie magic on the television screen.

Expecto Patronum- Patronus Charm
Avada Kedavra- Killing Curse
Wingardium Leviosa- Levitation Charm
Stupefy- Stunning Charm
Lumos- Wand Lighting Charm
Harry Potter Spells
Alohomora- Unlocking Charm

Harry Potter Spells

Accio- Summoning Charm
Harry Potter Spells
Legilimens- Legiminency Spell
Harry Potter Spells
Obliviate- Memory Charm

– Farheen Ali 
