The Most Iconic Actresses of The 2000s

As the 21st century unfolded, the movie scene underwent a dramatic makeover, marked by blockbuster hits and beloved franchises. Superhero and fantasy films soared, mesmerizing audiences worldwide and smashing box office records. Simultaneously, the rise of computer animation revolutionized the industry, bidding farewell to traditional hand-drawn animations.

Amidst this cinematic evolution, a group of remarkable actresses emerged, making waves with their exceptional talent and captivating performances. These leading ladies of the 2000s not only matched their male counterparts in stature but also embraced the changing landscape of Hollywood, becoming iconic figures and action heroines in their own right.

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Meryl Streep
Kate Winslet
Keira Knightley
Renée Zellweger
Angelina Jolie
 Iconic Actresses of The 2000s
Cate Blanchett
 Iconic Actresses of The 2000s
Nicole Kidman
 Iconic Actresses of The 2000s
Reese Witherspoon
 Iconic Actresses of The 2000s
Scarlett Johansson
 Iconic Actresses of The 2000s
Halle Berry