These Facts About Popular Music Will Disappoint You

If you’ve ever been swept away by the catchy tunes of popular music, prepare to have your expectations tampered with. As we delve into these facts about popular music, you might find yourself feeling a bit underwhelmed, or perhaps even slightly annoyed. Hit songs that you’ve danced to may have been crafted by a committee of songwriters, leaving you wondering if it was ever really about the artist’s creativity. And the chart-toppers you thought were entirely original? Well, some might just have a few borrowed notes. Check out some facts about popular music below. 

Creed has sold more records in the US than Jimi Hendrix

Led Zeppelin and REM have never had a number-one single, Rihanna has 10

Ke$ha’s ‘Tik-Tok’ sold more copies than any Beatles single

Flo Rida’s ‘Low’ has sold 8 million copies. The same as The Beatles’ ‘Hey Jude.’

The Black Eyed Peas’ ‘I Gotta Feeling’ is more popular than any Elvis song

Celine Dion’s ‘Falling Into You’ sold more copies than any Queen record

Katy Perry holds the same record as Michael Jackson for most number-one singles from an album

Barbra Streisand has sold more records (140 million) than Pearl Jam, Johnny Cash, and Tom Petty combined. 

People actually bought Billy Ray Cyrus’ album ‘Some Gave All…’ more than any Bob Marley album. 

-Britney Jones
