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Words To Live By: Selena Gomez & Perseverance

Selena Gomez has never shied away from discussing mental health. After coming out of quite a few rough patches herself, the star has always been very vocal about expressing her troubles and the ingredients that helped remedy them. And in a recent interview, she chose to detail her mental health journey and the key to self-acceptance.

“Over the last several years I have worked very hard learning to be more comfortable in my own skin and accept the things I used to be hard on myself. The road to self-acceptance isn’t an easy one and trust me I still have my moments,” Selena explained, “my generation grew up just as social media was becoming a way for everyone to communicate with each other. At the beginning I saw it as just a fun way to post pictures and stay in touch with people, and then you realized it started to play with your mind and your self-worth. Once you can separate the two and know your worth isn’t connected to that world it’s a very freeing feeling.”

Now that you’ve digested that thought-provoking slice, we figured we’d shower you with some of Selena’s brightest words. Ones that prove to be motivational, ones that will cheer you right up and ones that will ultimately fuel you with the spirit to keep moving forward, despite all odds.

Photo Credits: Selena Gomez Official Instagram

By: Nina Karun

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