Discover ChatGPT For Music

Generative AI has been making headlines in the creative world, revolutionising industries from text to images, and now, it’s making waves in the music industry with the emergence of Suno. Suno is an AI music generator tool that can create original songs complete with realistic vocals, lyrics, and beats, all from a simple text prompt. It’s been dubbed the ‘ChatGPT for music’, sparking intriguing discussions about the future of music creation.

In the past year, we’ve seen remarkable advancements in generative AI, yet music production has largely remained untouched until Suno’s arrival. This marks the beginning of a new era in music creation, where technology plays a central role in shaping the musical landscape.

Also Read: Exploring Rhetorical Aspects in Musical Composition

ChatGPT For Music
Image Courtesy: Linkedin

The rise of AI-generated music raises essential questions across various sectors. How will it impact artists’ revenue and consumer perceptions? What changes will streaming services and record labels face? Will AI-generated music be eligible for prestigious awards like the Grammys? These questions prompt us to consider the broader implications of AI in music creation and distribution.

As Arthur C. Clarke famously said, “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” The capabilities of generative AI are both awe-inspiring and thought-provoking, challenging traditional notions of creativity and craftsmanship in music.

ChatGPT For Music
Image Courtesy: Linkedin

Suno’s founders advocate for democratising music creation, offering a platform where anyone can produce full songs with just a prompt and a click. This approach challenges the traditional roles of musicians and producers, highlighting the potential for widespread accessibility and creativity in music making.

However, as we navigate this new frontier, it’s crucial to consider alternative approaches as well. Companies like BandLab Technologies integrate AI into their tools to assist artists and musicians in the creative process, offering a complementary perspective on democratising music production.

-Sushmita Sarkar
