Disney Should Shift its Focus From the Classics to Remaking Their Bad Movies

The Walt Disney Company has had an unmatched influence on the motion picture business during its existence. From humble beginnings, its legacy has expanded to almost every aspect of leisure and entertainment. Disney’s success has always been centred on animation, despite its broad reach. Animation was transformed by movies like ‘Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs’, ‘Beauty and the Beast’, and ‘Frozen’, which also had a big impact on filmmaking in general.
But not every Disney movie has been a hit. Many of the company’s films have been forgotten over time, and there have been times when the box office has performed poorly. Disney’s animation classics have also enjoyed varying degrees of success with live-action remakes.
‘Beauty and the Beast’ and ‘The Lion King’, for example, have felt like pointless, shot-for-shot replicas with extra aspects that didn’t enhance the plot, even though some of these remakes have been positively acclaimed. It might be more advantageous for Disney to concentrate on revisiting some of their earlier mistakes rather than only remaking their acclaimed classics as they continue to develop these live-action remakes.
Image Courtesy: Disney Plus
Despite the enormous popularity of ‘Frozen’, movies like ‘Treasure Planet’ and ‘Atlantis: The Lost Empire’ are sometimes disregarded because of their subpar box office results. But these movies have their own charms and are worth seeing again. For instance, ‘Atlantis’ has beautiful imagery and rich mythology, but its mature topics could not have appealed to younger viewers.
In addition to fixing some of the problems with the original, a live-action remake might help the story reach a wider audience. Disney may be able to improve and reintroduce their stories in a way that would appeal to contemporary audiences by redoing these movies.
Image Courtesy: IMDb
‘The Black Cauldron’ is one of the most notorious of Disney’s least successful movies. It was released in 1985 to revive Disney’s animation division, but it almost brought the company to ruin. ‘The Black Cauldron’ is a fantasy picture with a dark, complicated mythology and intriguing characters that would be ideal for a live-action remake, despite its subpar performance. Unlike other Disney characters, Taran and Eilonwy, the film’s heroes, are motivated by ambition and tenacity.
Ultimately, Disney can revisit its neglected films, even though they are likely to keep remaking their popular oldies. Live-action versions could give films like ‘Treasure Planet’ and ‘The Black Cauldron’ the credit they merit and establish them as timeless masterpieces.
–Farheen Ali