‘Game of Thrones’ Ice Dragons Explained; Myth, Lore and Impact

In the low fantasy series ‘Game of Thrones’, magical events and mythical creatures are often seen as fantastical by characters who believe they inhabit a relatively normal world. Bran Stark, for instance, is deeply frightened by Old Nan’s stories about the Long Night and the White Walkers, knowing little about these legends at the age of ten.
Old Nan describes the White Walkers riding on enormous “pale spiders” as big as hounds. These Ice Spiders, part of ‘Game of Thrones’ lore, are legendary, though Old Nan doesn’t mention ice dragons, which is another intriguing aspect of the series. Ice dragons are said to roam the Shivering Sea north of Essos, an icy, unexplored oceanic region. This sea, surrounded by the White Waste and Northeastern Westeros, is home to creatures like whales and the enormous Leviathans, which surpass even dragons in size.
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Ice dragons, larger than those of Old Valyria, are described as being made of living ice with translucent wings, pale blue eyes, and icy breath. The Shivering Sea is also associated with other mythical creatures like ice giants and pale mermaids with black-scaled lower bodies. Old Nan entertains the Stark children with tales of these ice dragons, which have a “very cold” breath that chills instead of burning.
Jon Snow often thinks of ice dragons, particularly when walking beneath the Wall or during his time at the edge of the world in George R. R. Martin’s ‘A Storm of Swords’ and ‘A Dance with Dragons’. Raised in Winterfell, Jon is familiar with Old Nan’s stories about dreadful winters and mythical creatures.

In ‘Game of Thrones’ season 7, episode 6, Daenerys’ dragon Viserion is killed and reanimated by the Night King, becoming an Undead dragon. Although Viserion isn’t a true ice dragon from the Shivering Sea, he plays a crucial role in the Night King’s army. Viserion’s blue breath destroys the Wall at Eastwatch-by-the-Sea, allowing the Army of the Dead to march south.
Viserion’s classification as either a Wight dragon or something more intelligent remains unclear, but his significance in the Night King’s legion is undeniable. His transformation and actions mark a pivotal moment in the series, emphasizing the powerful and terrifying nature of mythical creatures in ‘Game of Thrones’.
–Farheen Ali