Gandalf’s Sneaky Strategy Unveiled: How He Outwitted Bilbo in ‘The Hobbit’

Gandalf, a key figure in J. R. R. Tolkien’s sagas like ‘The Hobbit’ and ‘The Lord of the Rings’, embodied wisdom, warmth, and friendship. While renowned for his magical abilities, his knack for inspiring hope and bravery often surpassed his wizardry. However, his kind demeanour didn’t preclude him from employing cunning and deception when necessary.

With millennia of experience in Middle-earth, Gandalf mastered the art of subtle manipulation, employing it not for personal gain like Saruman but for the greater good of Middle-earth. A prime example of Gandalf’s guile was his encounter with Beorn in ‘The Hobbit’. Yet, a more nuanced instance occurred earlier in the story, before Bilbo departed from Bag End.

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Gandalf The Hobbit
Image Courtesy: IGN

In Tolkien’s novel, Beorn debuts in the chapter ‘Queer Lodgings.’ Thorin’s Company, fleeing Orcs and Wargs, found themselves without supplies and weary. Gandalf, with imminent mysterious business, sought a safe haven for Bilbo and the Dwarves before their Mirkwood journey.

Nearby dwelt Beorn, a skin-changer with an aversion to guests, especially Dwarves. While not malevolent, Beorn’s solitary life and the forest’s perils fueled his guardedness. Gandalf, aware of Beorn’s reluctance, devised a ruse to secure shelter for the travellers.

Approaching Beorn initially with Bilbo alone, Gandalf shared tales of the Company’s exploits, gradually captivating Beorn’s interest. At Gandalf’s signal, each Dwarf joined, strategically arranged to make a favourable impression on Beorn. Thorin’s revered status as Erebor’s heir, known for battling Orcs, softened Beorn’s stance. Gandalf orchestrated the Dwarves’ arrival order meticulously, saving the affable Bombur for last. In this way, Gandalf ensured a positive reception from Beorn, securing refuge for the Company.

Gandalf The Hobbit
Image Courtesy: Posters

In Peter Jackson’s cinematic adaptation, a similar scenario unfolds, albeit with Gandalf’s plan slightly awry. Misinterpreting Gandalf’s cue, the Dwarves arrive prematurely, yet Thorin’s recognition convinces Beorn to host them. Remarkably, Gandalf’s subterfuge mirrored his tactic at Bag End. Orchestrating the Dwarves’ arrival to Bilbo’s home individually, Gandalf ensured their welcome, knowing Bilbo’s hospitable nature. By presenting amiable Dwarves first and saving the gruff Bombur for last, Gandalf manipulated events, guiding Bilbo on his unexpected journey.

Gandalf’s cunning and understanding of his companions’ personalities allowed him to shape the course of events. From convincing Bilbo to join the quest to securing refuge with Beorn, Gandalf’s strategic manoeuvres underscored his pivotal role in Tolkien’s tales.

– Farheen Ali 
