‘Let the Right One In’: Discover a Darker Child Vampire in This Modern Horror Classic

Unlike human relationships, power dynamics are not always clear-cut, as the child vampire can be quite formidable. ‘Let the Right One In’, directed by Tomas Alfredson, explores a similar theme but with more twisted nuances. In the original movie and its source material, the nature of the relationship between the vampire child Eli and his guardian Hakan is ambiguous.
While adaptations sometimes depict Hakan as Eli’s actual father, the original story doesn’t confirm this.
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Eli’s gender ambiguity adds another layer to the story, suggesting a queer narrative. Furthermore, Eli’s backstory in the novel reveals a disturbing truth: Hakan is a paedophile who serves Eli in hopes of gaining his affection.
This complicates the dynamics between them, blurring the lines between victim and predator. Eli, despite being portrayed as a victim, also wields power over Hakan due to his vampiric nature.

The relationship between Eli and Hakan mirrors the imbalance seen in Eli’s connection with Oskar. While Eli refrains from using his power over Oskar, his relationship with Hakan is more complex due to Hakan’s abusive behaviour and Eli’s manipulation.
Ultimately, both Eli and Hakan are depicted as predators in their own right, challenging traditional notions of victimhood and agency.
– Farheen Ali