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Reviving Practical Effects Amidst CGI Dominance: A Cinematic Renaissance

In the dynamic realm of video production and film, there’s a noticeable shift back towards the tangible and hands-on approach. With the industry heavily saturated with CGI (Computer-Generated Imagery), a resurgence of practical effects is underway, heralding a renaissance that applauds the craftsmanship and authenticity inherent in traditional filmmaking. 

This exploration delves into the revitalization of practical effects, examining how they are reshaping storytelling, captivating audiences, and coexisting harmoniously with the digital landscape.

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Image Courtesy: The Atlantic

Amidst the ongoing debate between practical effects and CGI, filmmakers find themselves at a crossroads, grappling with the artistic dilemma of choosing between the convenience of digital effects and the genuine allure of practical craftsmanship. This internal conflict prompts a reassessment of the role each technique plays in various forms of video production, such as video marketing, corporate video creation, and beyond, leading to a renewed appreciation for the roots of filmmaking. 

Rather than a complete dismissal of CGI, the current cinematic environment witnesses a collaborative approach between practical and digital effects. Filmmakers are uncovering the potential of blending these two elements, creating a cinematic harmony where practical effects offer a tangible foundation, while CGI enhances the visual spectacle. This fusion of techniques opens doors to unprecedented creative avenues in video content creation.

Image Courtesy: Raindance Film Festival

As the film industry navigates its future trajectory, the revival of practical effects signifies a desire to strike a balance between innovation and tradition, forging a cinematic landscape where the tactile and the digital seamlessly coexist. 

Filmmakers are venturing into uncharted territories with practical effects, not just in traditional filmmaking but also in genres like music video production, documentary filmmaking, and brand video creation. This exploration marks the beginning of a dynamic and inclusive era in filmmaking, where creativity knows no bounds.

-Sushmita Sarkar

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