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Selena Gomez: Time Travelling Queen or Just a Tejano Lookalike?

The internet is always buzzing with conspiracy theories, and celebrities are often the targets of these speculations. Recently, a new theory has emerged suggesting that singer and actress Selena Gomez is a time traveller!

The theory stems from a TikTok video posted by user drollsquad. In the video, drollsquad shows an old music record by Tejano band, Inocencia. Featuring the 1989 single, ‘Por Si Volvieras’ the vinyl’s black and white cover shows eight band members, one of whom bears a striking resemblance to Gomez.

Image Courtesy: Discogs

Drollsquad then compared a digital photo of Gomez with the Inocencia member, and the similarities are undeniable. They also pointed out that both the band and Gomez are from Texas. 

Of course, the internet being the internet, people quickly started to add their own fuel to the fire. Some pointed out that Taylor Swift, Gomez’s best friend, also has an album titled ‘1989’. Could this be a hint at the time travel theory?

Image Courtesy: Variety

Selena might not have dropped Tejano tracks, but her Mexican roots run deep. Fuelling the fire? The OG Tejano queen was also a Selena (Quintanilla, not Gomez). 

TikTok sleuth cranked up the fun meter! Vinyl in hand, he confirms the theory but instead of Tejano jams, the needle drops on the ‘Wizards of Waverly Place’ theme song! Time travel plot twist? Nah, just a nostalgic blast for OG fans and a cheeky wink at Selena’s upcoming reboot. ‍

So, is Selena Gomez a time traveller? Probably not. But the TikTok video is a fun reminder that the internet loves a good conspiracy theory. And who knows, maybe there is some truth to it after all! In the meantime, we can all enjoy the upcoming ‘Wizards of Waverly Place’ sequel and see if Gomez makes any time travel references.


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