‘Space Sweepers’ Takes You on a Bold, Rough-and-Tumble Space Adventure

People have always been drawn to the stars, inspired to create captivating and lasting stories. The sci-fi genre captures this curiosity, giving rise to numerous films that explore the far reaches of space with some of fiction’s most memorable characters. Iconic films like ‘Star Wars’ and ‘Dune’ follow the journeys of chosen heroes destined to save the galaxy from imperial rule, while others, like ‘Star Trek,’ present a nearly utopian vision of humanity’s future under inspired leadership. However, the galaxy is vast, and not everyone is destined for greatness.

‘Space Sweepers’ a 2021 South Korean film on Netflix, dares to focus on the overlooked and undervalued, turning the unlikeliest of heroes into the stars of one of the most thrilling space adventures in recent memory. As the first South Korean space blockbuster, ‘Space Sweepers’ is visually stunning and dynamic, while also delivering a powerful critique of capitalism. The film explores how human greed has wreaked havoc on society but also highlights humanity’s indomitable spirit and the hope for a better future.

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Space Sweepers
Image Courtesy: Forbes

Set at the end of the 21st century, Earth is irreversibly polluted and uninhabitable, leading the UTS corporation to seek a new home for humanity in space. The fortunate and wealthy live on artificial planetoids created by the company, while the rest of the population struggles to survive on Earth and in orbit. The story follows a crew of space sweepers—scavengers who clean debris from Earth’s orbit. Led by Captain Jang (Kim Tae-ri), the crew of the Victory competes with other sweepers for profits to pay off their debts and achieve financial freedom.

Each crew member is burdened by debt and haunted by their past. Captain Jang, a former military officer who defected in protest, now leads the Victory. Kim Tae-ho (Song Joong-ki), another defector and the crew’s ace pilot, is searching for his adopted daughter lost in space. Tiger Park (Jin Seon-kyu), a former drug kingpin, is now the crew’s engineer. Bubs (Yoo Hae-jin), a robot saving up to buy a skin graft to look like a human woman, rounds out the team. 

Space Sweepers
Image Courtesy: IMDb

They discover Kot-nim (Park Ye-rin), a child robot with the rumoured ability to control nanobots, potentially a weapon of mass destruction. When a terrorist group offers a large sum for Kot-nim, the crew faces a moral dilemma: sell her for a chance to escape poverty or protect her from exploitation.

‘Space Sweepers’ stands out in the sci-fi genre for its gritty, realistic depiction of space. Unlike the sleek starships of other franchises, the space sweepers’ ships are bulky and utilitarian. The characters are relatable, portrayed as poor, indebted misfits discarded by a society that values the wealthy. The film highlights the stark divide between the privileged and the destitute, embodied by UTS CEO James Sullivan (Richard Armitage), who enforces this class division.

Space Sweepers
Image Courtesy: Netflix

Despite its bleak setting, ‘Space Sweepers’ is a triumph of diversity and representation. The cast includes characters from various backgrounds, reflecting a future where national borders are less significant. Bubs, a trans-coded character, resonates particularly with the trans community, highlighting the struggle for identity and acceptance. 

‘Space Sweepers’ offers a unique and grounded space story, blending exceptional diversity and sharp criticism of capitalism with a hopeful message about humanity’s resilience and potential for growth.

–Farheen Ali
