Steven Spielberg or Tobe Hooper – Who Really Directed ‘Poltergeist’?

In 1982, Tobe Hooper’s ‘Poltergeist’ emerged as one of the standout horror films of the decade, blending supernatural terror with family drama. Despite Hooper being credited as the director, controversy has long surrounded whether Steven Spielberg, who co-wrote and produced the film, actually directed it. This debate hinges on conflicting accounts and the film’s collaborative nature.

Originally conceived as part of Spielberg’s vision for a project called ‘Night Skies’, which later evolved into both ‘E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial’ and ‘Poltergeist’, the latter retained Spielberg’s thematic influence while Hooper took the helm as director. Spielberg’s commitment to directing ‘E.T.’ prevented him from also directing ‘Poltergeist’ due to contractual obligations and the looming threat of a directors’ strike.

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Poltergeist Director
Image Courtesy: IMDb

The controversy intensified with statements from crew members suggesting Spielberg’s substantial involvement in directing decisions on set. First assistant camera operator John Leonetti and composer Jerry Goldsmith indicated Spielberg’s pervasive influence during filming. However, actress Zelda Rubenstein and actors Craig T. Nelson and JoBeth Williams countered that Hooper was physically present directing, while Spielberg contributed creatively as a producer.

Despite Spielberg’s public statements acknowledging Hooper’s directorial role, the ongoing speculation and differing perspectives have overshadowed Hooper’s legacy. Known for iconic horror works like ‘The Texas Chain Saw Massacre’, Hooper’s reputation suffered from the persistent belief that Spielberg directed ‘Poltergeist’ behind the scenes.

Poltergeist Director
Image Courtesy: BBC

Ultimately, ‘Poltergeist’ appears to have been a collaborative effort where Spielberg’s hands-on producer role influenced the film significantly, while Hooper executed the directorial responsibilities. The controversy, though debated for decades, underscores the complex dynamics of filmmaking partnerships and the enduring impact of Spielberg’s creative imprint on the horror classic.

–Farheen Ali
