The Truth Behind Snape’s Betrayal: Why He Killed Dumbledore in ‘Harry Potter’

When Severus Snape entered Harry Potter’s world, he was immediately cast as a villain in Harry’s eyes, likely due to Snape’s negative associations with Harry’s father, James. However, Snape’s true allegiance remained a mystery to many, including Harry and his friends. Despite Snape’s outward hostility towards Harry, there was a hidden layer to his character that even Harry didn’t suspect.

Throughout Snape’s tenure at Hogwarts, he served as a double agent, reporting to Dumbledore while also providing information to Voldemort. This dual role led to one of Snape’s most shocking acts: the murder of Albus Dumbledore. Even fans were left bewildered by this betrayal. Yet, behind Snape’s animosity towards Harry lay a fiercely protective ally whose true intentions were not immediately apparent.

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Snape Betrayal Dumbledore
Image Courtesy: People

Despite their antagonistic relationship, Snape had a significant impact on Harry’s education, teaching him Legilimency and providing crucial guidance in potions. However, Snape’s actions often fueled Harry’s suspicions of his villainy, particularly when he cast the killing curse on Dumbledore. Little did Harry know, Snape’s allegiance was to Dumbledore all along.

The truth behind Snape’s actions came to light when it was revealed that Dumbledore was already dying and had tasked Snape with killing him to spare Draco Malfoy from the burden. Snape’s seemingly traitorous act was actually a display of loyalty to Dumbledore and a means of protecting Draco. Despite the unforgivable nature of the killing curse, Snape’s actions ultimately ended Dumbledore’s suffering, providing a form of compassionate release.

Snape Betrayal Dumbledore
Image Courtesy: People

In the end, Harry learns the depth of Snape’s sacrifice and loyalty. Despite their contentious history, Snape had always acted in the best interests of Harry, driven by his love for Lily Potter. Harry’s realization of Snape’s bravery led him to honour Snape’s memory by naming his son after both Dumbledore and Snape, acknowledging the profound impact they had on his life.

–Farheen Ali 
