Climbing aboard our artist of the week ship this time, is none other than Childish Gambino. Over the past few years he’s created quite a ripple on the music landscape. And a large part of this points to his brilliant songwriting.
The artist is known for his uniquely crafted verses, flowing into one another, much like a stream of consciousness monologue. Childish Gambino is known to tackle a spectrum of gritty issues. From politics to racism to toxic love affairs and the economic crunch – he has a way of weaving social issues into his music. Each line arrives like a stab, opening your eyes to the harsh reality. It’s uncomfortable. But that’s what makes him stand apart.
And so, to celebrate his ascension to the artist of the week throne, we’re taking a deep dive into some of his most politically ripe masterpieces.
Photo Credits: Childish Gambino Official Facebook
By: Nina Karun