21 Savage Provides Free Literacy Program

It’s not everyday we hear something like this, 21 Savage, the rapper is launching a free literacy program online during the coronavirus pandemic. The ‘A Lot’ singer has taken this step as an initiative to help those who are in financial need.
21 Savage and his foundation, ‘Leading By Example’ have partnered with a mobile banking service provider ‘Chime’, non profit ‘Juma Ventures’ and technology platform ‘EverFi’ to launch ‘Bank Account At Home’.
The program will help educate the young people on managing and learning how to earn money. 21 Savage is also ensuring to provide WiFi and tablets to students in the Atlanta city. He has also given a $25,000 donation to Atlanta’s #ATLStrong COVID-19 relief fund.
“I feel like it’s important more than ever to give our next generation the tools to succeed in life,” 21 Savage said in a statement. The students will learn money management concepts, will acquire knowledge on how to plan for a financial future and elder kids will also get lessons on budgeting and business.
“When you’re a child, you don’t know what’s going on, now, you grow up and got to figure it out. Can’t get a job. Can’t get a license. I’m one of the lucky ones who became successful. It’s a lot of people who can’t.” the rapper said in a recent press release.
Well, we truly feel this is the way to educate the children of the future, this is 21 Savage being Savage.
By : Aatira Kakroo