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All The Challenges Faced By Guns N’ Roses: Richard Fortus

Richard Fortus, the American guitarist of the band, Guns N’ Roses opens up about all the challenges faced by him. The guitarist made an entry in the band in 2002, replacing Paul Huge. So, with his long stay in the band, he’s seen a lot and has got a lot to say.

Richard Fortus has seen three guitarists join and exit Gun N’s Roses, Robin Finck, Buckethead and Ron “Bumblefoot” Thal. During a recent interview, he discloses the changes and efforts to adjust to the equation of the band.

Richard Fortus Explains It All

“I love Robin..loved his playing. I loved working with him. And, obviously, Tommy [Stinson, bass] is like my brother. We were all very tight. And then there was Bucket, who was just sort of out on his own. But it was very musical, and it was exciting to be a part of. He’s a phenomenal talent. Man, he’s pretty out there. And he definitely can be difficult to work with. I enjoyed working with him, ’cause he’s very musical.”

Richard Fortus continues, “It was a difficult dynamic to make three guitars work. [Buckethead] did an excellent job, because he understood the dynamics of it and how the puzzle pieces have to fit together, and Bucket really understood that. Everything sort of has to have its place.”

Further, he says, “When [Buckethead] left and Ron Thal came in, it was a different dynamic, because I think Ron had been used to sort of doing his own thing, with his own band, so he didn’t really get how that worked, or how to make it work. So it was difficult at that time.”

The Changes In Guns N’ Roses

Richard Fortus doesn’t mention the tensions that occurred while hiring Thal to replace Buckethead, just few days before their shows at New York City in 2006. After which Slash and Duff McKagan joined the band. The changes led to having only two guitarists from three, but Fortus explains that he faced no issues with the return of old members.

Richard Fortus calls McKagan his favourite, he says, ” It really came together very naturally and in a really easy way.” The guitarist continues to explain the entry of Frank Ferrer, the drummer in Guns N’ Roses.

He says, “I think that was the toughest fit, when those guys came back. For Duff — well, for both of them — sort of adapting to Frank and trying to get him to adapt to them. It wasn’t as natural. But it has ended up working out well.”

Undoubtedly, all these changes have only helped the band reach the success, it has. The insight into Guns N’ Roses makes us feel like we know the members a tad bit more, which we love.

By: Aatira Kakroo

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