Artists Turn Coronavirus Pandemic Into Business

Stars like Weeknd to Justin Bieber took Coronavirus pandemic as an business opportunity, decided to drop merchandises which help keep us safe during this pandemic. Just when we thought our lives will be at hold during the Coronavirus pandemic, you know?
There was no need to look fancy because we are confined inside our homes but leave it up to these artists to make us want to be trendy. Turning even the pandemic into a business. Let’s educate you on which celebrity is more than a musician and can surely start a label after the lockdown.
1. Justin Bieber and Ariana Grande during Coronavirus outbreak, made sure to promote their single “Stuck With U” by dropping four different kinds of face masks. The funds from the purchase directly go to First Responders Children’s Foundation. (Photo by Ariana Grande’s Official Website.)
2. Swans, The experimental rock band formed in 1982 also decided to create a good business deal out of the Coronavirus outbreak. (Photo by Officali Site of Young Good Records.)
3. The nu metal band, Korn established in 1993 hoped onto this line of business and made face masks for this Coronavirus pandemic. The funds from the sale go to Global Giving’s COVID 19 Relief Fund. (Photo by Official Website of Korn)
4. My Chemical Romance dedicated these desert masks to a friend, Lauren Valencia who they lost before the Coronavirus took over the world to Cancer. However, the sale of the face mask started during the pandemic. (Photo by Official Website of MCR.)
5. Weeknd never fails to make the best out of situation from releasing an album during the Coronavirus pandemic to selling merchandises. (Photo by Offical Website of Weeknd.)
By : Aatira Kakroo