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Return Of The Princess: The Aguilera Saga

We all remember the ‘Reflection’ track from 1998 Disney’s Mulan and sing it ever so softly in every game of ‘Heads Up’.

And it looks like Christina Aguilera has made her return to those glorious days. After 22 years of her departure from the franchise, the 90’s pop sensation has returned with a new track called ‘Loyal Brave True’. This song is to be featured in the live-action remake the franchise has got up its sleeves.

To confirm the story and put perspective to the decision, Aguilera sat down to dish us some heart to heart. “The film Mulan and the song ‘Reflection’ coincided with getting me my first record deal,” she said, bringing on a wave of nostalgia. “It’s amazing to come back to such an incredible movie that’s full of power and meaning, and that meaning holds the test of time: staying true to yourself, being who you are, and teaching how to be fearless. My new song, ‘Loyal Brave True,’ represents the fine balance between vulnerability and strength.”

What an incredible full-circle story this has become!

Now, to top things off, Aguilera is also treating us with an updated 2020 version of “Reflection.” And boy, are we pumped for this. Off late, numerous artists have jumped aboard the Soundtrack train and it’s simply thrilling to watch what they craft out of a complex storyline.

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