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Diplo’s (literally) breathing gig at Sydney

Diplo has had a big week, starting off with him hacking into the Jonas Brothers’ Instagram account to tease the fact that he produced their next single and his name getting added to the lineup for October’s ‘All My Friends’ festival in Los Angeles.

But he didn’t stop there, he took his music to the top of the famous Sydney Harbour Bridge in Australia where he performed his set.

Playing on decks set 440 feet off the ground and overlooking the city, Diplo performed the first DJ set to ever take place at the top of the bridge. The occasion was in honor of the 21st anniversary of Bridgeclimb, a group that’s been shepherding tourists to the very same perch since 1998.

Diplo has a long running relationship with Australia, including co-founding ‘Heaps Decent’, a dynamic arts organisation working with young people and emerging artists from diverse communities, providing role models and a means by which they can tell their story in their own way.

Who knows what location Diplo will choose to perform at next? That’s definitely something worth looking forward to!

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