Eminem Was Congratulated by His Mother on Being Inducted Into The Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame

It was a proud moment for Eminem’s mother when he was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame recently. At the 2022 RRHOF induction ceremony over the weekend, the Detroit Don claimed his rightful position among the rock gods and Debbie Mathers taped a video of congrats that was pure proud mama.

“Marshall, I want to say, I could not let this day go by without congratulating you on your induction into the Hall of Fame,” said Debbie in a video shared by a friend.

Image Courtesy: People

“I love you very much. I knew you’d get there. It’s been a long ride. I’m very, very proud of you. And also I’m very proud of [granddaughter] Hailie Jade, my big girl. I want to tell you Hailie, great job on your podcast and God bless you guys. I love you very much.”

Take a look at Debbie Mathers’ sweet congratulations video below.


The lovely message was the ideal way to close a successful weekend for Slim Shady after years of heated back and forth, including a 1999 $12 million lawsuit filed against her son charging him of slander, which they settled two years later for $25,000. In his acceptance speech, the rapper, who was at the Microsoft Theater in Los Angeles with his daughter Hailie for his big night, made reference to his unusual rise to the occasion.

“So I’m probably not supposed to actually be here tonight because of a couple of reasons,” he told the crowd. “One of them that I’m a rapper, and this is the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. And there’s only a few of us right now that have been inducted in already, but there’s only a few of us… I had to really fight my way through man, to try and break through in this music, and I’m so honored and I’m so grateful that I’m even able to be up here doing hip-hop music, man, because I love it so much.”

Image Courtesy: NME

Before offering a mea culpa on 2013’s ‘Headlights’, Eminem reportedly took a number of very scathing shots at his mother Debbie in songs like ‘Cleanin’ Out My Closet’ and ‘My Name Is’. But now that Marshall is a recognised member of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, it seems like all of it is history.

At a ceremony in Los Angeles, Marshall Mathers was honored alongwith Carly Simon, Duran Duran, Dolly Parton, Lionel Richie, Eurythmics, Judas Priest and Pat Benatar.

Eminem performed six of his biggest singles on stage to commemorate the occasion, beginning with ‘My Name Is’ and ‘Rap God’.

Image Courtesy: Eminem. Pro

Dr. Dre, Eminem’s longtime friend and mentor, inducted him. Dre said, “Eminem wasn’t just an underdog who broke through the glass ceiling of hip-hop – he shattered that s**t, brought hip-hop to middle America, while his music holds a mirror up to white America.”

Eminem devoted his acceptance speech to a long list of rappers who had imfluenced him throughout the years, including Snoop Dogg, Ice Cube, LL Cool J, Notorious B.I.G., De La Soul, Cypress Hill and Tupac.

Image Courtesy: Reuters

“Those are just a few of the names that I hope will be considered in the future for induction because, without them, a lot of us wouldn’t be here. This induction is meant to be me, talking about myself but I would not be here without them,” Eminem said. “I’m a high-school dropout with a hip-hop education and these were my teachers. It’s their night, as much as it is mine.”

Sikha Sohan
