Guns N’ Roses Takes a Jab at Trump Amid COVID-19 Crisis

American rock band, Guns n’ Roses, are back on the political satire train, taking a clear stand against US President, Donald Trump, in light of recent events.
The band took to Twitter to share the release of new merchandise that went on sale. The t-shirt, up for purchase at $25 dollars, reads: “Live N’ Let Die With COVID 45”. Using their iconic song ‘Live N’ Let Die’, Guns N’ Roses is sending a clear message to Trump and his administration. And when you find out the context, you’ll probably echo the sentiment.
Last week, the President of the United States, Donald Trump, visited a mask-making factory in what seemed to be a fairly obvious PR stunt. The problem, however, was this – he walked into the facility without a protective mask of his own. Amid the growing pandemic, and worrying circumstances in the US, you would assume Mr. President would at least abide by standard practices of safety.
The visit to the N95 manufacturing unit was further highlighted by the employees of the factory blasting Guns N’ Roses song – “Live N’ Let Die”. In some modern day, agitprop fashion, the music was so loud, one could barely hear the Republican President speak.
The Twittersphere has been buzzing with praise for the Guns n’ Roses. Fans are pleasantly surprised with the band’s move at taking a stand and are joining in at taking a stab at Trump and his administration.