Katy Perry & The Incident with the Pie

Usually, announcements regarding album delays arrive on a rather sombre note. But when it comes to Katy Perry, it’s a whole different ball game. The star paired her update with a rather odd punishment of sorts. That is, if you do consider smashing a pie into one’s face a punishment. 

Katy told her story through four slides on Instagram. For starters it’s worth detailing her excellent outfit as it featured: a beaded, vibrant dress along with a comically enormous tie. As you swipe, you’ll witness a large pie descending on the star’s face, though she doesn’t seem to mind it one bit.

Her caption simply read: “Welp. I hate to throw this bad news at you like a pie in the face…but if there’s anything 2020 taught me, it’s to not get too attached to plans and be malleable.” Well, there’s a lot of truth in that statement. From cancelled tours to albums taking a backseat, fans across the globe have been victim to it all. And yet, Katy Cats won’t be left empty handed. 


To make up for the delay, Katy Perry plans to go live every Sunday leading up to the album release. She promised a good chat during every session of #SmileSundays. Oh and she might also play tid bits of some of her upcoming tracks. She really knows just how to keep her fans on their toes, huh?

In fact, the young star has already unveiled the titles of two other tracks, ‘Teary Eyes’ and ‘What Makes A Woman’ – the latter being a dedication to her unborn child. So, perhaps we might just hear snippets of these very tunes. 

‘Smile’ is currently rescheduled to August 28th, which is not too bad considering all the gems Katy’s planning to drop in the lead up to her release. 

By: Nina Karun
