Kehlani Talks Motherhood In New ‘Playboy’ Feature

R&B singer Kehlani appeared on a Playboy cover earlier this week. Her interview with the magazine reveals details about her motherhood, sexuality, and more.
The singer opened up about how her spiritual journey influenced her upcoming music and when she embraces her masculine and feminine sides.
On Motherhood
Kehlani has no regrets! The singer, now 25, told the magazine about her shift in perspective towards so many things after the birth of her daughter, Adeya Nomi, sharing that “being a mom doesn’t make you less sexy.”
“I think being a mom is the sexiest thing ever,” she said. “I literally think something happened to me when I became a mom. I just became sexier.” According to Kehlani, she “was this little quirky person before, just this little quirky, not super in touch with themselves, super tomboy person before” giving birth.
“And then I became this mom. And all of a sudden, I got these mom hips. And I got this mom sensuality and grown woman attitude, and just this in-touch-ness with my body that I had never had before,” Kehlani continued. “Because you really f—— get to know your body when you birth. And when you get pregnant, you become a f—— universe and a portal. So I think motherhood has made me this insane sex symbol even to myself.”
Photo Credit: Brianna Alysse for Playboy
And to show us how serious she is, Kehlani is now hoping to help others on their journey to motherhood by becoming a certified doula. “I’m currently looking for a doula certification program. The one I’m waiting for is closed until the spring,” she shared. “I’m really anxious to take it, and I’m trying to figure out how to navigate wanting to become a full-spectrum doula while being an R&B singer — or a singer in general.”
Embracing Both Sides Now
On her latest Playboy cover, Kehlani looked like both a prom king and queen on the digital cover, writing “i always wanted to date me” on her Instagram. The aesthetic, shimmering photo is a testament to how the openly queer singer embraces masculinity and femininity, and how she feels “very fluid in both of those settings” in the interview.
Photo Credit: Brianna Alysse for Playboy
“I feel more masculine when I am in my stillness and I’m grounded in a quiet, contemplative mode. I feel most feminine when I’m being the mother of my house. I also feel my femininity when I take time for self-care — when I take really beautiful baths where I throw some flowers in and I do a hair mask and take time oiling my body in the mirror and saying how beautiful I feel,” Kehlani said. “My femininity makes me feel soft and gentle and tender and careful in a different way than my masculinity makes me feel. I’m trying not to let it fall into the gender norms of feminine and masculine, but for me it does a tiny bit. But I also am very fluid in both of those settings.”
By: Anjana Sathyanarayanan