Lady Gaga Takes a Stand Against Violence

In the wake of George Floyd’s death, numerous celebrities have taken a stand and spoken out, in their own ways. Some have taken to social media to protest, while others have taken to the streets to do so. Lady Gaga recently took to Instagram to put out a detailed message regarding this issue.
She emphasized that though this is a very difficult time, it’s highly important that communities unite and support each other. As this issue isn’t just about race anymore. It’s about the fact that someone can do something so cruel and dehumanizing to another person. And not to mention, within a system that chooses to encourage rather than punish.
What Lady Gaga Had to Say About the Issue
“Right now is a critical time for the black community to be supported by all other communities so we can put a stop to something that is intrinsically wrong by the grace of God or whatever creator you do or do not believe in. I urge people to speak gently to each other, speak with passion, inspiration, and impress the importance of this issue until the systems that keep us sick die, instead of people we love,” Gaga explained.
“We MUST show love for the black community. As a white, privileged woman, I take an oath to stand by that. We haven’t, as a privileged community, done enough to fight racism and stand up for those people who are being killed by it. This isn’t justice. This is an epic tragedy that defines our country and has for a long time. I am sad. I am angry. And I will use the words that I can find to try to communicate what needs to change in as an effective and non-violent way as possible for me,” the singer concluded.
She is joined by numerous other artists like Taylor Swift, Billie Eilish, Ice Cube, Beyonce and more who’ve protested against this injustice.
By: Nina Karun