Miley Gives Us Memorable Moments At Super Bowl

The much-awaited Super Bowl finally took place on Sunday, 7th February. Just hours before the event, Miley Cyrus kicked off the game day with the TikTok Tailgate event. Their pre-game concert that lasted for almost 90 minutes saw Miley perform old and new hits as well as a number of crowd-pleasing numbers.
Miley even had some iconic rockstars join her on stage for the show performed at Tampa’s Raymond James Stadium. Attending this huge concert after a year were 7,500 vaccinated health workers who received an invitation from the NFL.
We are here to take you through some of the most memorable moments from the popstar’s first time on stage. Miley performed in front of a live audience for the first time since the pandemic.
Mickey Or Miley?
The show opened to a beautiful rendition of Toni Basil’s ‘Mickey’ by Miley. The track is a 1981 hit and topped the Billboard Hot 100 in December 1982. The ‘Wrecking Ball’ star donned an edgier version of the cheerleader outfit in black and magenta paired with a rhinestone crop-top and a leather skirt with multiple zippers. The singer sure knows how to up the ante. She tweaked the track a little and replaced “Mickey” with her own name as she performed the tune setting out energetic and upbeat vibes.
Billy Idol And Miley Grace With ‘White Wedding’
The superstar performed ‘Night Crawling’, a track off of her latest 2020 album – “Plastic Hearts” as Billy Idol joined her on stage. Billy, the platinum-haired rocker has also featured in the song.
Following this was a smooth transition into 1982 hit by Billy, ‘White Wedding’ by the duo.
Miley quipped afterwards, “Not bad for the first concert of 2021!”. Well, that’s what we think too.
On 2nd February, Miley shared a snippet of herself performing the track ‘Head Like a Hole’. But fans were thrown off track when she used the hashtag #AshleyOGoneWild against it. She stuck to the eerie dark feel of the tune and its original lyrics in the concert as against the cheerful revised rendition of Trent Reznor’s track ‘On a Roll’ as Ashley O for Black Mirror in 2019.
Her Gratitude
Throughout her performance, Miley expressed gratitude thanking all the health care workers in attendance and otherwise. She said, “All of us have a purpose, My purpose is to sing on stage … but my purpose can never be achieved without you — you are essential.”
Miley, Nicks Create ‘Edge of Midnight’
Miley introducing her next song, said, “Covers have always been a big part of my set, taking these songs and making them my own”. She also mentioned how the track was “blessed by Stevie Nicks herself”. Following this came a medley of ‘Midnight Sky’ by Miley fused with Nicks’ “Edge of Seventeen” creating ‘Edge of Midnight’.
The Punk Master Takes The Stage
None other than THE Joan Jett joined Miley who said “Everybody, an introduction is insulting,” on stage. The rock singer donned a sequined hoodie with a pair of sparkly pants and a blood-red guitar. The duo performed ‘Bad Karma’ a track from “Plastic Hearts” featuring Joan, ‘Bad Reputation’ and ‘I Hate Myself for Loving You’.
Explaining of herself, Miley said “Any time anybody comes to my shows and says, ‘What’s wrong with her?’ The explanation is she listened to a lot of Joan Jett”, in the middle of their performance.
Miley Shouts Girl Power!
Miley is known to stand for Girl Power! And that is one major reason so many girls look up to her. Miley shared such a thing on stage as well. She said, “You know, if it wasn’t for Joan Jett, without her, I don’t think that I would be me. She was always breaking barriers and stigma and anything that divided her from the dudes. And when folks think of football weekend, they don’t think of strong women, but after this, I think they will.”
Miley went on to dedicate a track for all the “rebel girls who don’t take no for an answer.” As well. She chose an apt track, Bikini Kill’s ‘Rebel Girl’ for the same. The singer even hinted that the track would be incorporated in her set in a video she shared on 3rd February.
The Favourite Hits From The Past
Miley closed the show with some of her previous pop-oriented hits performances. Starting off with ‘Party in the U.S.A.’ from 2009 the singer pulled a prank on her viewers as she announced, “Give it up for my last guest, Jay-Z!” after which she added, “Just kidding!”
During the performance of ‘Wrecking Ball’, Miley became extremely emotional and broke down at one point. “Singing that song, ‘Wrecking Ball,’ about feeling completely broken — I’m shattered,” she explained. “Everyone’s suffering is different. … I like to think I have a pretty high tolerance. I wear a lot of glitter and I wear a lot of armor, but I also wear my heart on my sleeve, but it gets broken a lot.” Cyrus added.
As she cued up to the final track ‘The Climb’, Miley said “As much as I need to say these lyrics to you, maybe I need to say them to me,” she said. “Without each other, we have nothing at all. … This song is about never giving in and never giving up.”
Miley ended the show after the encore on a grateful note as she extended her thanks to all the healthcare workers once more. “Thank you for bringing music back together. My deepest gratitude to you all,” she said.
By: Aatira Kakroo