“Paris World” Metaverse Launched by Paris Hilton in ‘Roblox’
Paris Hilton has announced that she has built an island in Roblox where she will perform a DJ set on New Year’s Eve. As reported by Reuters, Hilton’s new media company 11:11 Media has launched the island, Paris World, inside of Roblox. Fans can visit the island for free where there is a replica of her Beverly Hills mansion and attached dog mansion, as well as a recreation of her neon carnival inspired wedding.
“For me, the metaverse is somewhere that you can do everything you can do in real life in the digital world,” Hilton said, “Not everybody gets to experience that, so that’s what we’ve been working together on over the past year — giving them all my inspirations of what I want in that world.”
Paris World will include microtransactions, where fans can pay in exchange for virtual outfits or for a ride on a jet-ski around the island. Hilton is hoping to attract fans to the island by performing a virtual set on New Year’s Eve. In the real world, Hilton charges up to $1million (£750,000) per night for her DJ performances.
Hilton previously stepped into the NFT arena, working with designer Blake Kathryn to design and sell three unique art NFTs. Sold in an online auction, the most expensive piece sold for more than $1.1million (£820,000). Following this success 11:11 media looked into other forms of online income.
“The final piece of the digital space is the metaverse,” says Bruce Gersh, a veteran media executive working in collaboration with Hilton. “We think that there’s a real opportunity for Paris to influence, even at a younger level than who her core customer is. We’ve built a fantastic, whimsical world that we believe her fans and new fans will just love.”
In other news, Hajime Tabata, the director of Final Fantasy XV, left Square Enix in 2018, and now he has announced that his new JRPG, developed by his company JP Games, will be revealed next year.