Paul McCartney’s Childhood Home is Available For Unsigned Artists to Compose and Perform
Paul McCartney is letting undiscovered artists use his childhood home as a place to write, perform, and get inspiration. Mike, the former Beatle’s brother, is behind the Forthlin Sessions initiative, which will see musicians handpicked by Mike and local partners write music at the same location where Paul and John Lennon began their illustrious songwriting partnership. The pair wrote classics including ‘I Saw Her Standing There (from 1963’s ‘Please Please Me’) and ‘When I’m 64’ (from 1967’s ‘Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band’) at 20, Forthlin Road in Liverpool. The National Trust presently owns the property.

Mike told Sky News: “This house to me, is a house of hope. And I hope it will be for the young people that come through the doors.
“I would be in the other room learning photography, but whilst I’m doing all that I could hear guitar noises coming from this room,” he said.
“In there were what turned out to be two of the world’s greatest songwriters, McCartney and Lennon. They were rehearsing from a school book on the floor, that’s why this house is so unique.”
Due to the better acoustics, Paul and Lennon would play the piano in the living room or rehearse in the bathroom.

“I think it’s a brilliant idea,” Mike added. “Inviting young people to this house and giving them the opportunity of doing the same as us, coming from nothing and seeing where it takes them.”
Paul McCartney, in other news, has requested Starbucks to cease charging extra for plant-based milk. The musician has been a vegetarian since 1975 and founded the Meat Free Mondays campaign in 2009 with his daughters, Mary and Stella. Throughout his career, he has also collaborated with PETA on several projects.