Selena Gomez Slaps Chinese Gaming Company with 10 Million Dollar Lawsuit

Whoever said impersonation is the best form of flattery clearly had no idea that using someone’s image without their consent is a crime and violation of rights. 
Heavy, but hey, that’s exactly what Selena Gomez and her legal team are stating. The American singer-songwriter’s team has officially filed a lawsuit against Chinese gaming company Gunagzhou Feidong Software Technology Co., Forgame US Corp. and UK-based Mutantbox Interactive Ltd.for a whopping 10 million dollars over the likeness of a character in the styling game “Clothes Forever – Styling Game”. 

The legal claim alleges that a character in the game bares an obvious resemblance to Selena’s iconic looks, and does so without any consensual agreement from Gomez or her team. The game operates on similar lines to many in the genre – log on, style your favorite celebrities and create multiple looks. Well, that simple idea is about to get a lot more complicated as the lawsuit details a heavy wage against those in question. 
In a statement to the press, it was revealed that her team equates the misstep as an “egregious violation of Selena’s rights which (they) will litigate vigorously to vindicate”.

If moved to trial, the lawsuit aims at the permanent removal of the game as well as compensatory damages (to be determined) through trial. 
Clothes Forever – Styling Game is currently available on the Apple App Store, and stands at a star rating of 3.5. Reviews of the game by users suggest that the app is fairly poor in design and user-navigation, even fooling customers into making in-game purchases as high as $99.99 dollars. 
Well, she did tell us she was ‘rare’. 
