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10 Mind-Blowing ‘Simpsons’ Predictions That Came True

So, what exactly are The Simpsons’ predictions? Is it possible that ‘The Simpsons’ accurately forecasts global events, or is the world merely following The Simpsons’ guide? With the 35th season of this iconic comedy recently concluding, viewers were treated to a return of inventive, forceful, and hilarious plots reminiscent of the cherished classic Simpsons seasons.

There is no doubt that the wild storylines from the past few seasons will eventually be added to the ever-growing list of Simpsons predictions, but it’s impossible to predict which ones will come true in the years ahead. The best Simpsons predictions are astonishing but also bizarre, humorous, and make perfect sense all at once.

Also Read: The Most Controversial Episodes in ‘The Simpsons’ History

The Simpsons Predicted the Ebola Virus

Image Courtesy: Pinkvilla

The episode ‘Lisa’s Sax’ delves into the origin of Lisa’s passion for her musical instrument. In one scene, Bart is depicted as unwell and depressed, prompting Marge to try cheering him up by reading a book with an unusual theme, titled ‘Curious George and the Ebola Virus’. 

This narrative choice was peculiar, especially since Ebola wasn’t widely known until outbreaks in 2000 and 2014, with the 2000 outbreak claiming 254 lives in the Republic of Congo and 224 in Uganda. It’s odd to see the condition portrayed on ‘The Simpsons,’ given its relative obscurity when the episode aired. Though the connection is tenuous, loyal fans are dedicated to drawing parallels between the show and real-world events.

The Simpsons Predicted the Barbie Trend

‘The Simpsons’ predicted the Barbie takeover long before it happened. Greta Gerwig’s comedy blockbuster ‘Barbie’ became the biggest box office success of 2023, immersing pop culture in pink mania and making Margot Robbie’s lead performance iconic. While the film received critical acclaim for its social critique, ‘The Simpsons’ had already envisioned a society captivated by dolls in the Season 5 episode ‘Lisa vs. Malibu Stacy’.

In this episode, Lisa becomes aware of the problematic messages the Malibu Stacy dolls send to young girls about femininity. Springfield goes into a frenzy over the new doll line when she pushes for changes to the doll’s design. The episode explores themes similar to those in the Barbie movie, showcasing The Simpsons’ knack for eerily accurate predictions.

The Simpsons Predicted Robots as Librarians

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The episode ‘Lisa’s Wedding’ serves as a flash forward into the future, featuring several notable predictions. The plot revolves around Lisa’s encounter with a fortune-teller who predicts she will fall in love with and marry an upper-crust Englishman named Hugh Parkfield, whom she will meet at her future university. One of the episode’s predictions includes robots taking over as librarians in the future.

In 2016, students at Aberystwyth University created a prototype for a library robot that can move around and assist visitors. Interestingly, the robot was named Hugh, mirroring the name of Lisa’s future husband in the episode. The robot’s role is to listen to a person’s request, locate the book, and guide them to it. With advancements in robotics, it’s plausible that this innovation will become a reality in libraries worldwide soon.

The Simpsons Predicted a Doughnut-Shaped Universe

‘The Simpsons’ episode ‘They Saved Lisa’s Brain’ follows Lisa as she writes a letter about how Homer embarrassed the city, leading to her induction into Springfield’s Mensa society. The Mensa group then takes control of Springfield after Mayor Quimby flees. As their governance worsens, Stephen Hawking arrives to witness the chaos and expresses his displeasure with their actions before heading to Moe’s Tavern to grab a drink with Homer.

In this chaotic episode, Lisa’s induction into Mensa sets off a chain of events that sees the intellectual elite trying to run the town, with disastrous results. Hawking’s appearance adds a humorous twist as he critiques their efforts and ends up bonding with Homer over a drink, highlighting the show’s blend of intellectual humour and classic Simpsons antics.

The Simpsons Predicted a Beatles Letter to a Fan 

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In the Season 2 episode ‘Brush with Greatness’, Marge picks up a paintbrush for the first time after discovering the fate of her Ringo Starr portraits. The episode includes a scene where Ringo Starr is shown meticulously responding to a massive stack of fan letters, many of which were written years earlier.

This scene parallels a real-life event in September when Paul McCartney responded to two fans from Essex, London, who had written to him in 1963. Their letter, found at a car boot sale, prompted McCartney to reply with humorous gratitude, saying “Better late than never,” and thanking them for their lovely tape.

The Simpsons Predicted ‘Game of Thrones’ Daenerys Targaryen’s Dragon

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‘Game of Thrones’ will be remembered as a brilliant fantasy show that stumbled with one of the most disappointing TV finales ever. One of its problematic plot points was depicted on ‘The Simpsons’ before it appeared on HBO. 

In ‘The Serfsons’, a parody of Westeros and ‘Game of Thrones’, a dragon burns down the Serfsons’ village after Homer revives it. This scene is reminiscent of Daenerys Targaryen’s dragon burning King’s Landing in ‘Game of Thrones’, even after the city’s surrender. This moment angered many fans and critics, as Daenerys’ sudden shift to a villainous character ruined her arc in the worst way possible.

The Simpsons Predicted Autocorrect

In ‘The Simpsons’ episode ‘Lisa on Ice’, Lisa faces academic challenges when new alerts highlight gym class as her weak spot, jeopardising her grades. Determined to improve, she seeks extracurricular athletic activities with her gym teacher’s guidance. Meanwhile, Martin falls prey to bullying, a recurring theme in his school life.

One comical scene involves a mix-up in instructions for school bullies, urging them to “beat up Martin” but misinterpreted as “eat up Martha.” This humorous mishap, akin to autocorrect errors, parallels the early technology depicted in the Newton device, resembling a primitive version of today’s smartphones like the iPhone.

The Simpsons Predicted Smartwatches

In the classic Season 6 episode ‘Lisa’s Wedding’ from The Simpsons, a glimpse into future technology was portrayed with surprising accuracy. Hugh’s use of a watch to communicate foreshadowed the eventual rise of smartwatches, a concept that became a reality nearly two decades later. 

This brief but prescient scene hinted at innovations like digital timekeeping and voice recognition, now commonplace in modern technology. However, the comedic twist of Hugh’s failed attempts to propose to Lisa via technological means added a humorous touch to the episode’s exploration of futuristic gadgets.

The Simpsons Predicted Baby Translator

Image Courtesy: DeviantArt

In a memorable episode featuring Homer’s half-brother Herb, an innovative concept emerges as Herb invents a groundbreaking device: a baby translator. This device deciphers the babbling of infants, providing insights into their needs and emotions.

While Herb’s invention was fictional, the idea has since evolved into real-world applications with the development of baby translator apps now accessible through app stores. These apps attempt to interpret a baby’s cries and sounds, offering parents a glimpse into their child’s world, albeit not as intricate as Herb’s creation in the show.

Although the real-life baby translator apps may not match Herb’s sophisticated invention from The Simpsons, they reflect the lasting influence of creative ideas. Herb’s fictional innovation has inspired technological advancements that continue to bridge communication gaps and enhance understanding between parents and infants in today’s digital age.

The Simpsons Predicted the Nobel Prize in Economics

Image Courtesy: IMDb

In the episode ‘Elementary School Musical’, a comedic twist unfolds as Krusty the Clown unexpectedly wins the Nobel Peace Prize, leading to a comically chaotic turn of events. Alongside Homer, Krusty journeys to Oslo for the prestigious awards ceremony, only to discover that the entire situation is a sham.

Within this episode’s frozen humour, a Betting Pool card showcases Milhouse’s prediction of Bengt R. Holmstrom winning the Nobel Prize in Economics, among other students’ guesses. Interestingly, this prediction aligns with reality as Holmstrom indeed received the award six years later. However, unlike Krusty’s tumultuous journey, Holmstrom’s Nobel Prize win occurred without any dramatic antics reminiscent of the animated sitcom.

-Sushmita Sarkar

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