Did Arnold Schwarzenegger Point a Gun at Producer’s Head During ‘Terminator’ Filming?

Making movies often involves more than just acting and directing; many interesting stories and unexpected moments happen behind the scenes. One such unforgettable moment occurred during the filming of the 1984 sci-fi classic ‘The Terminator.’ Arnold Schwarzenegger played a prank on one of the film’s producers by pointing a gun at him. Director James Cameron recently shared this surprising story.

Schwarzenegger’s performance as the relentless cyborg helped make ‘The Terminator’ a massive hit. During production, executive producer John Daly visited the set, and his visit became memorable due to Schwarzenegger’s prank. According to Cameron, Daly visited during the shooting of the Tech Noir club scene. 

Also Read: Here’s Why Arnold Schwarzenegger Was Too Large For The Role of ‘RoboCop’

Arnold Schwarzenegger Terminator Filming
Image Courtesy: People

Schwarzenegger, in full ‘Terminator’ wardrobe, looked at Daly and, in his Austrian accent, said, “John, every time I see you, you’re always smiling.” He then pulled out a fake .45 automatic, jammed it under Daly’s jaw, and said, “Personally I hate it.” Daly turned pale and left the set shortly after, never returning while Schwarzenegger was filming.

The reason behind Schwarzenegger’s actions remains unclear—it could have been a practical joke, a method to stay in character, or an intimidation tactic. Unfortunately, we can’t confirm his intentions as John Daly passed away in 2008.

Arnold Schwarzenegger Terminator Filming
Image Courtesy: People

Originally, the studio had different ideas for the casting of ‘The Terminator’, considering O.J. Simpson for the role. However, Schwarzenegger got the part after expressing initial interest in playing the hero, Kyle Reese. After meeting Schwarzenegger, Cameron realized he would be perfect for the ‘Terminator’ role.

Schwarzenegger’s dedication to the role was intense. In his book ‘Be Useful: Seven Tools for Life’, he mentioned the intensive training he underwent, including practising gun stunts blindfolded to embody the machine-like precision of the ‘Terminator.’ He trained so rigorously that he no longer blinked while shooting. For ‘Terminator 2: Judgment Day’, he practised the shotgun cocking flip until his knuckles bled.

Arnold Schwarzenegger Terminator Filming
Image Courtesy: People

This dedication extended to his personal life. In an interview with Rich Roll, Schwarzenegger shared how he instilled discipline in his children. For instance, he once threw his daughter’s shoes into the fireplace because she repeatedly left them out, teaching her to be responsible for her belongings. He would also unscrew light bulbs if his kids didn’t turn off the lights, emphasizing the importance of saving electricity.

–Farheen Ali
