The actor took to Instagram to share a deeply touching moment involving the Make-a-Wish Foundation’s urgent appeal on behalf of Lily Guerrero, a 4-year-old girl currently under home hospice care. In a heartfelt video, Johnson revealed the gravity of a “rush” wish, emphasising the limited time available to fulfil Lily’s heartfelt desire.
“Lily is in home hospice now and she watches ‘Moana’ every day, all day,” Johnson conveyed, recounting the poignant request for him to sing “You’re Welcome” from the animated film, ensuring it was recorded so Lily could listen to it repeatedly.
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Acknowledging Lily’s parents’ request to share her story on social media, Johnson underscored the young girl’s resilient spirit and the outpouring of support directed back to her. Despite facing challenges like being on a feeding tube, Lily remained enthusiastic about the wish, which deeply touched Johnson.
After sharing endearing details about Lily, Johnson played the instrumental track of “You’re Welcome,” a song he popularly performs as Maui in ‘Moana,’ and sang the tune as a heartfelt gesture towards Lily’s wish fulfilment. “Thank you so much for allowing me the privilege to make your Make-a-Wish come true, me singing ‘You’re Welcome’ in a few keys I’m quite sure don’t exist,” Johnson expressed warmly in the video. “I hope you enjoyed it. And, Lily, you’re so special.”
In his Instagram caption accompanying the post, Johnson extended the moment beyond the video, rallying support and positive energy for Lily. “Needed to share this ‘rush’ wish with all of you. And in return we all can send this little 4-year-old girl all the positive vibes and beautiful MANA she deserves and needs right now,” he wrote, signifying the collective effort to uplift Lily during this challenging time.
“Lily Guerrero, it’s my honour and this one is for you… I love you, and I want you to always know just how special you are,” Johnson added, concluding with a heartfelt note and a playful apology to Lily’s cats for his unconventional singing.
-Sushmita Sarkar