GTA 6: Upcoming Trailer And Possible Leaks

The moment we’ve all been waiting for is just around the corner. Rockstar Games has spilled the beans, announcing that the much-anticipated ‘GTA’ 6 (Grand Theft Auto) will finally grace our screens with its first trailer on 5th December at 1400 GMT.

We’re still in the dark about when the actual game will hit the shelves. Despite the mystery surrounding its release date, fans are buzzing with excitement. Rockstar’s recent post on X about the trailer launch garnered a jaw-dropping 26 million views in under two hours. That’s the kind of hype only GTA can generate.

Image Courtesy: Twitter

For those keeping track, it’s been a decade since Rockstar Games unleashed the wildly successful ‘GTA’ 5, the second best-selling video game ever, trailing only behind the iconic Minecraft. With over 185 million copies sold, ‘GTA’ 5 has left an indelible mark on the gaming world.

Now, it’s time for the next chapter. Rockstar Games confirmed the production of ‘GTA’ 6 in February 2022, and the trailer’s December release is no coincidence. It aligns with the gaming giant’s 25th anniversary, as noted by Rockstar’s president, Sam Houser.

Image Courtesy: Forbes

But that’s not all on Rockstar’s plate. They’ve teamed up with Netflix to bring some gaming nostalgia to the streaming giant’s platform. On 14th December, Netflix subscribers can delve into the world of ‘GTA’ 3, Vice City and San Andreas on their mobile devices.

The prolonged wait may be attributed to the massive success of ‘GTA’ Online, the multiplayer version that continues to rake in hundreds of millions for Rockstar Games annually. The popularity of the game has prompted multiple re-releases, spanning three generations of home consoles.

Image Courtesy: Yahoo

As the countdown to the trailer ticks away, leaks are surfacing, adding fuel to the already blazing anticipation. A video posted on TikTok claims to reveal the game’s map, showing a city skyline and a sprawling freeway. The source, allegedly a Rockstar developer’s son, has set tongues wagging in the gaming community.

The leaked footage, depicting ‘GTA’ 6 in action on a PC in developer mode, suggests a map twice the size of Grand Theft Auto 5’s Los Santos. The authenticity of the leak remains uncertain.

Image Courtesy: Supercar Blondie

With the official trailer just days away, fans are eagerly awaiting a glimpse into the game’s development. If history is any indication, Rockstar’s unveiling will likely showcase the game’s expansive environments, hinting at the thrilling story that awaits players.
