A new psychological horror film set to debut in theatres soon has unveiled an intriguing new glimpse. According to Total Film, a recent report showcased a still from ‘Speak No Evil’ featuring James McAvoy in his role as Paddy, alongside interviews with both McAvoy and director James Watkins. This remake of the 2022 film, written by Christian and Mads Tafdrup, sees Watkins also credited for the screenplay. When discussing how the new film compares to the original, McAvoy assured fans that while it pays homage, it also introduces fresh and distinctive elements:
“Christian [Tafdrup, director of the original] was really exploring the concept of compliance, almost as an allegory. Our film is a faithful remake that respects the original while also offering something new.”
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It’s unusual for a film to remake its predecessor just two years after its release, but McAvoy emphasized that the short gap between the films ensures the new instalment stands on its own merits. Alongside McAvoy, ‘Speak No Evil’ features a cast including Scoot McNairy, Mackenzie Davis, Aisling Franciosi, and Alix West Lefler. McNairy recently starred opposite Kit Harington in ‘Blood for Dust’, while Davis is recognized for her role as Grace in ‘Terminator: Dark Fate’.
The original ‘Speak No Evil’ was known for its intense violence, especially in its climactic moments, including scenes involving children. Watkins’ remake aims to dial down the explicitness, focusing more on psychological horror rather than graphic violence. Speaking to Total Film, Watkins elaborated:
“Our film is less graphic. It’s a psychological horror thriller with a chilling premise. While shocking scenes can provoke fear, as a parent now, I’m conscious of not relying solely on visceral horror.”
Fans can expect intense scares and mature themes as ‘Speak No Evil’ (2024) retains its R rating, contrasting with the unrated original. The 2022 film was crafted by the Tafdrup brothers and directed by Christian Tafdrup, who now offers a fresh perspective with McAvoy headlining.
‘Speak No Evil’ is set to premiere in theatres in September.
–Farheen Ali