Jude Law Declined a ‘Superman’ Role in The 2000s Because “It Just Felt Off”

In a chat on the latest episode of the ‘Discourse’ podcast, Jude Law opened up about the time he almost became Superman. Released on June 12 by The Playlist, this episode features Law discussing his near involvement in a Superman film that never saw the light of day.

Back in the early 2000s, Law was offered the chance to don the iconic cape in a project titled ‘Superman: Flyby,’ which was set to be directed by Brett Ratner with a script from J.J. Abrams. When asked about the long-standing rumours, Law confirmed, “So this is true. Yeah. There was a process of flirtation going on. And I always resisted because it just felt off. And I know you can say, ‘Well, but you played Yonn-Rogg and Dumbledore!’ It just felt like a step too far.”

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Jude Law Superman
Image Courtesy: Mashable

He elaborated on his reservations, explaining, “It was when Brett Ratner was going to direct, I think. And they didn’t have a script if I remember rightly. Did they have a script? I don’t remember reading one. This is a long time ago. They brought me the suit. They thought, ‘This might change your mind.’”

Law described the suit as “more metallic” than what fans are accustomed to, which initially made him reconsider. “Anyway, I tried it on and I looked in the mirror and part of me initially was like, ‘Wow, this would be a good thing,’ and then I just thought, ‘No, you can’t – you can’t do this. You can’t.’ And I didn’t sell myself to myself. And I stepped away and the film never happened anyway. So maybe it probably wouldn’t have done anything.”
