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Lady Gaga Affecetd By Corona Virus

Lady Gaga just announced the delay of her album release. “Chromatica”, her sixth studio album, was scheduled to be released on the 10th of April.

On Tuesday, Gaga announced that there was ‘a lot of deliberation’ surrounding the release of “Chromatica”. She concluded that she will be postponing the release of her album due to the ongoing Coroa Virus crisis.

“This is such a hectic and scary time for all of us, and while I believe art is one of the strongest things we have to provide joy and healing to each other during times like this, it just doesn’t feel right to me to release this album with all that is going on during this global pandemic,” she wrote in a note posted to Twitter.

Gaga had planned out a secret set for the now postponed music festival, Coachella. Coachella is now set to take place in October, but Lady Gaga did not say whether she plans to take part.

She addressed the fans who were upset at the album’s delay, she tweeted “To my fans, I love you. I know you are disappointed. Probably angry and sad. But I also know that as a fan base…as a family…we are strong, we are loving and we are the kindness punks. So I ask you to practice kindness in these trying times.”

She recently released a futuristic single “Stupid Love” last month. The music video, set in a far away galaxy racked up millions of views. Giving out major 90’s vibes the video solidifies the need for love in the world at the moment and this has never been more true.

With the current global crisis many stars have been cancelling or postponing their shows and concerts, few have been conducting Live streaming concerts for charity.

Lady Gaga has been championing self isolation since the initial stages of the pandemic. She tweeted that self quarantine was the biggest gift you could give to other people right now. That’s right folks Mother gothel has told us to stay indoors and indoor we shall stay!

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