Russell Crowe, known for his iconic role as Maximus in the 2000 blockbuster ‘Gladiator,’ has expressed some discomfort over the upcoming sequel, set to release later this year. In a chat on the ‘Kyle Meredith With…’ Podcast, Crowe shared his reservations about director Ridley Scott, who directed the original film, taking on a second instalment.
“I’m slightly uncomfortable with the fact that they’re making another one, you know? Because of course, I’m dead, and I have no say in what gets done,” Crowe revealed on the podcast. He won’t be returning as Maximus Decimus Meridius, the Roman general turned slave, a role that won him the ‘Best Actor’ Oscar in 2001. Crowe admitted he feels a bit uneasy about letting go of a franchise that brought him so much acclaim.
Also Read: ‘Gladiator 2’: Paul Mescal, Denzel Washington and Pedro Pascal Teased in First Look
“There are a couple of things I’ve heard, and I’m like, ‘No, no, no. That’s not in the moral journey of that particular character.’ But you know, I can’t say anything. That’s not my place. I’m six feet under. So we’ll see what that is like,” he added. Despite going on to have a brilliant career with roles in ‘A Beautiful Mind’ and ‘Les Misérables,’ it was Gladiator that catapulted Crowe to stardom. Naturally, there’s a “tinge of jealousy,” as Crowe mentioned later in the podcast.
The original ‘Gladiator’ released in 2000 follows Maximus, a betrayed Roman general who is forced into slavery by Marcus Aurelius’ son, Commodus (played by Joaquin Phoenix). Maximus fights his way through the ranks to avenge his family’s death, leaving an indelible mark on film enthusiasts even though he doesn’t survive in the end.
The sequel shifts focus to Lucius, Commodus’ nephew and the grandson of Marcus Aurelius, with Paul Mescal taking on the role. Joining the cast are Denzel Washington, Pedro Pascal, Connie Nelson, and Joseph Quinn, while Derek Jacobi and Connie Nielsen will reprise their roles from the original film.