Sydney Sweeney Was Bit by A Venomous Spider on ‘Anyone But You’ Set

Glen Powell came to Sydney Sweeney’s rescue, saving her from a spider bite while they were filming in Australia. It might sound like a storyline from their new movie ‘Anyone But You,’ but this little drama unfolded for real. Powell noticed something was off during a scene, where a spider decided to make its move.

Sweeney shared the bizarre incident, saying, “Well, the spider actually bit me in the middle of this scene but nobody called cut because they thought I was just making a very dramatic, interesting choice in this scene and Glen was the only one who finally caught on.” 

Powell realized the seriousness of the situation, saying, “Wait, this is a little more serious.”

Image Courtesy: People

Describing the culprit, Powell mentioned it was a “huge huntsman spider,” and he discerned the problem from Sweeney’s reaction. He humorously noted, “Yeah, there’s a different tone to her voice when somebody’s actually being bitten by a spider.” Fortunately, the bite wasn’t too severe and Sweeney continued working after some medication.

The incident occurred during a scene on a cliff where Powell’s character hastily strips naked in front of Sweeney’s character, fearing spiders under his clothes. Powell, reflecting on the scene at the film’s New York premiere, revealed the unspoken hazards of on-set antics, stating, “Taking your clothes off on the side of a cliff in a hurry is not safe either.”

Sydney Sweeney
Image Courtesy: The Sun

He added a touch of humour, sharing, “Nobody talks about that safety issue on set, where I almost died falling off a cliff taking my pants off too fast. But it’s a really fun scene, so it was all worth it.”

Sweeney chimed in, shedding light on the complexity of the scene, which took half a day to film. “There’s the spider itself, which actually bit me, and that was a whole thing,” she explained. “And then we have the part of Glen bending over and me checking to see if there are more spiders. I’m very acquainted with Glen now.”

Sydney Sweeney
Image Courtesy: Entertainment Weekly

As the duo promotes their rom-com set to hit cinemas on 22nd December, rumours about their sizzling chemistry have been circulating. However, both actors have dispelled the speculation, emphasizing their friendship. Sweeney clarified, “It’s a rom-com. That’s what people want! Glen and I don’t really care. We have so much fun together, and we respect each other so much; he’s such a hard worker, and I’m a hard worker.”

Powell, expressing admiration for Sweeney, stated, “A great rom-com doesn’t survive without great chemistry and Sydney is the easiest person to have chemistry with.” He highlighted their instant connection, saying, “I mean, immediately, it was like we’d known each other forever, and I think anybody that’s been on the set realizes I never get tired of talking to Sydney.”

Powell went on to praise Sweeney’s talent, deeming her “one of the most talented actresses we have.” For him, the whole ‘Anyone But You’ experience felt like a rom-com within itself, as he playfully mentioned, “This movie has felt like a rom-com in itself because Sydney is very easy to pretend to fall in love with.”
