Two Horror Movies in 2024 Share a Similar Premise

Get ready for a double dose of horror in 2024 with ‘Immaculate’ and ‘The First Omen’ as they both dive into a storyline that’s been a bit overplayed lately. Amidst the diverse horror offerings this year, these two films surprisingly share the same premise.

In ‘Immaculate’, starring rising talent Sydney Sweeney, a young woman enters a convent only to find out her supposed blessing is a curse. Coincidentally, ‘The First Omen,’ a prequel to ‘The Omen series,’ follows a strikingly similar plot. Coming to theatres just two weeks apart, these movies risk blending in, borrowing vibes from classics like ‘Rosemary’s Baby’ and ‘Suspiria,’ along with a horror theme that’s faced criticism in recent years. 

Horror Movies
Image Courtesy: The Bigflix

‘Immaculate’, hitting theatres on 22nd March, follows a devout woman sent to an Italian convent, only to uncover horrifying secrets after falling pregnant. Just two weeks later, on 5th April, ‘The First Omen’ arrives, narrating the tale of a young woman in an Italian church stumbling upon a conspiracy to birth the Antichrist.

‘Immaculate’ hints at a devilish pregnancy, while ‘The First Omen’ likely sets the stage for Damien Thorn’s birth.

Now, these films were expected to showcase different vibes – ‘Immaculate’, a NEON release and ‘The First Omen’, part of the ‘Omen’ franchise. But surprise! Their trailers suggest a visual sameness, making their similarity even more glaring.

Horror Movies
Image Courtesy: People

They share the same tone, POV character, and core plot elements, both delving into the unsettling realm of pregnancy horror. But here’s the hitch – this sub-genre hasn’t had the best track record, with movies like ‘Visions’, ‘Inside’ remake, ‘False Positive’, ‘Bed Rest’, ‘Unwelcome’, and ‘Baby Ruby’ falling flat with critics since 2016.

The challenge with pregnancy horror lies in its tricky balance of existential and body horror. Yet, ‘Immaculate’ and ‘The First Omen’ are gearing up to revive this sub-genre in 2024. 

– Farheen Ali 
