When Did Roger Ebert Apologize for a Movie Review

Roger Ebert’s impact on cinema culture is unparalleled among film critics in history. While predecessors like Pauline Kael and Jean-Luc Godard contributed to cinematic discourse, Ebert revolutionized it by fostering discussions about a film’s effectiveness. He was effusive in his praise for films that impressed him but equally scathing towards those that fell short. One notorious instance of his critical acumen was his scorching review of ‘Zoolander,’ a film he felt exemplified why the United States faced disdain in certain global quarters.

‘Zoolander’ directed by and starring Ben Stiller, wasn’t aiming for Oscars but was a commercial success celebrated for its absurd humour. It marked a career leap for Stiller following previous works. Yet, Ebert’s review was notably harsh, critiquing its political subtexts and portraying it as emblematic of American cultural ignorance. He particularly objected to its plot involving a brainwashed male model (played by Stiller) tasked with assassinating a foreign leader. Ebert argued that such a narrative, if reversed, would ignite controversy, highlighting his sensitivity to cultural representations in cinema.

Also Read: Roger Ebert Praised Nicolas Cage’s Sci-Fi Thriller: ‘Knowing’ 

Roger Ebert Movie Review Aplology
Image Courtesy: Roger Ebert 

Despite some positive aspects noted, such as the film’s satire on the fashion industry’s reliance on child labour, Ebert’s review of ‘Zoolander’  reflected a post-9/11 context where he believed the film exacerbated xenophobia and American insularity. However, in a rare move, Ebert later publicly apologized to Stiller on ‘The Tonight Show,’ acknowledging that his review might have been overly critical in the wake of national tragedy.

Stiller, in response, appreciated Ebert’s gesture amidst the turbulent aftermath of 9/11, recognizing that film criticism can be subjective and influenced by broader societal contexts. He continued to thrive as a director despite occasional critical missteps, achieving acclaim for subsequent projects like ‘Tropic Thunder’ and ‘The Secret Life of Walter Mitty.’

Roger Ebert Movie Review Aplology
Image Courtesy: IMDb

Ebert’s willingness to reassess and apologize for his critique of ‘Zoolander’ underscored his integrity as a critic who valued nuanced dialogue over knee-jerk reactions. His legacy remains a beacon in film criticism, contrasting with today’s digital landscape where review scores often overshadow thoughtful analysis. Ebert’s approach reminds us of the importance of critical reflection and context in evaluating cinema’s impact on society.

–Farheen Ali
