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Why ‘Baby Reindeer’ And Other True Story Series Face Constant Legal Battles

The controversy surrounding Netflix’s hit series ‘Baby Reindeer’ began with the simple phrase that appears on a title card, igniting a firestorm of debate. This series, focusing on aspiring comedian Donny Dunn, has drawn uncomfortable scrutiny for its depiction of characters that closely resemble real-life individuals.

The tension escalated when Fiona Harvey filed a $170 million lawsuit against Netflix, claiming the series falsely portrayed her as a sexual predator and twice-convicted stalker, resulting in a significant backlash and online harassment. Netflix, however, stands by the series creator, Richard Gadd, and his right to tell his story.

Also Read: Why Giving Attention to The Real Martha From ‘Baby Reindeer’ is a Bad Idea

Image Courtesy: Variety

Adding to the controversy, allegations surfaced about casting couch practices involving Gadd. Trans actress Reece Lyons claimed an unnamed male writer from a Netflix show pursued her romantically while promising a role, which led to widespread speculation and identification of Gadd as the accused. Both Netflix and Gadd have remained silent on these allegations, raising questions about oversight from the streaming giant, which boasts a market cap of $283 billion.

Legal challenges against Netflix are not new. Rachel DeLoache Williams’ lawsuit over her portrayal in ‘Inventing Anna’ and the defamation case filed by OneTaste against Orgasm Inc. highlights a pattern of complaints from individuals who feel harmed by their depictions in Netflix shows. Similarly, Miranda Derrick faced severe online harassment following her portrayal in ‘Dancing for the Devil: The 7M TikTok Cult’, further illustrating the impact these adaptations can have on real lives.

The legal landscape for Netflix is complex, as seen in the case of Ava DuVernay’s ‘When They See Us,’ where a $1 million settlement was reached and a disclaimer was added after defamation claims. These instances underline the broader issue of Netflix potentially playing fast and loose with facts, as pointed out by attorney Jennifer Bonjean. She argues that the streamer’s approach to presenting these stories as truth can cause significant harm to the individuals involved.

The character of Martha in ‘Baby Reindeer’ played by Jessica Gunning, is not the only one causing real-world repercussions. Internet sleuths have targeted people they believe to be the basis for other characters, leading to harassment of figures like ‘Peep Show’ writer Sam Bain. Bain has publicly denied any connection to the show’s exploitative TV writer character, Darrien O’Connor, emphasising the dangers of such internet-fueled assumptions.

Image Courtesy: IMDb

Legal clearances and oversight appear to have been mishandled on ‘Baby Reindeer’, especially concerning the allegations from Lyons. Although producer Clerkenwell Films conducted an internal investigation and cleared Gadd, the handling of these issues has left many questioning Netflix’s processes. Some industry experts believe the high volume of content Netflix produces makes it more likely to face legal challenges, as more individuals are depicted in its extensive range of shows and movies.

-Sushmita Sarkar

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