Who’s Got Justin Angry?

Justin Bieber isn’t the first celebrity that comes to your mind when you think of activism. In his defense, he has always used his platform to contribute, albeit monetarily, to children’s education.
But, when it comes to things like protection of resources, environmental sustainability and conservationism, Bieber isn’t the first face that may pop into your head, solely because he has never been extremely vocal about these issues.
Well, a new year lies ahead of us, and so, Justin is showing us a side to him we’ve never seen before. His Instagram stories were recently filled with pictures of a particular takeaway cup from the famous Canadian brand “Tim Horton’s”. The singer asked his followers to vote for the cup design they liked better – the old one that used less plastic or the new one that was made from (recyclable) plastic, but isn’t as convenient as the previous one.
His feed and stories were subsequently filled with responses from fellow Canadians who were unhappy with the current prototype.
And hey, when the Biebs says something, people listen. We’re writing about this story, aren’t we? Tim Horton’s responded immediately via Instagram inviting Justin to be a part of their team and make a change one small step at a time.
The influence? He’s got it.