Bryan Adams Makes Explosive Statement About Veganism Amid COVID-19 Crisis

Right off the bat, this is a wilding story involving Bryan Adams, bats, and well — you guessed it, veganism.
Bryan Adams has long been known to be an (over)whelming supporter for the cause of going vegan and has been rather vocal about it. On Monday, in an Instagram post, he wrote, “Tonight was supposed to be the beginning of a tenancy of gigs at the @royalalberthall, but thanks to some fucking bat eating, wet market animal selling, virus making greedy bastards, the whole world is now on hold, not to mention the thousands that have suffered or died from this virus. My message to them other than ‘thanks a fucking lot’ is go vegan.”
Sir, excuse me, please stretch before you reach.
We can’t be sure if asking a whole race of people to go vegan by accusing them of starting a whole global pandemic, that affected them equally if not more, is the right way to go. But then again, we’re not smoking what Bryan Adams is smoking.
Further Bryan Adams added, “To all the people missing out on our shows, I wish I could be there more than you know. It’s been great hanging out in isolation with my children and family, but I miss my other family, my band, my crew and my fans. Take care of yourselves and hope we can get the show on the road again soon.”
Bryan Adams is not even the only beloved, historic artist to support these languid blames of the origin of the virus stemming from the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market in Wuhan. Paul McCartney is on that list.
In the video post on Instagram we see Adams singing ‘Cuts Like A Knife’ and honestly the racism loaded in supporting an un-researched claim and the elitism in shaming non-vegans, does indeed cut like a knife.