Harry Styles Trends on Twitter; Here’s Why 

harry styles

Harry Styles fans woke up on the right side of the bed this morning. They’ve taken to Twitter to express their love and appreciation for the British singer. As the trend: WE LOVE YOU HARRY, continues to trend with 52k tweets and counting, here are some of the heartwarming posts being shared. 

Styles has long been known as an advocate for the #HeforShe movement, encouraging gender equality no matter the circumstances. His merchandise sales go towards multiple organisations that support the same causes. He doesn’t do well with subtle messaging, and his choice of text t-shirts just goes to show it. 

Here a fan reminds others that Harry Styles has been disrespected in the past. And every step of the way he has continued to encourage positivity and love. And if Harry can do it, so can you. 

Now, Harry Styles has never officially addressed the looming question of his sexuality. But, he’s proved time and time again, that it doesn’t matter; that no matter who you are, and what you identify as, you are worthy of respect and love. He has inspired and supported hundreds as they embrace themselves. 


This fan expresses their love and appreciation for the lyrics of “To Be So Lonely” – a cult track from the latest album by Harry Styles: “Fine Line“. 

If you need inspiration, look no further. Harry Styles is coming at you with inspiration galore. This message of positivity and love is just one of the hundred reminders from Harry to be kind to one another. 

By: Ahalya Narayanan
