Kehlani’s New Album is One Big Quarantine Mood!

During this lockdown, musicians have been our saving grace because week after week, they’ve been treating us with new tunes and news of upcoming albums. All in all, we are so grateful.
Now adding to that mix is Kehlani, who recently took to Instagram to announce that she will be dropping her brand new album titled, ‘It Was Good Until It Wasn’t’ on May 8th. For starters, we have to talk about that title because it perfectly describes everything going on right now. It honestly feels like before we could even make sense of the entire situation, the world came to a stand still. Perhaps that’s the theme of her album, no harm in speculating!
Kehlani also dropped the album art which features the singer peeking over a dull, cemented brick wall. She’s holding a hose, which appears to be watering the ground because there isn’t a single blade of grass in sight. Now before you attempt to analyse this odd artwork, Kehlani‘s already dished out the details.
During a recent press release, the singer spoke about the album art, explaining, “The album cover is a depiction of the never-ending duality of ‘good’ and ‘bad.’ It’s a tale of perspective, the sun is shining, the sky is blue, but clearly something has gotten my attention. Paired with the back cover, we come into the question of is the grass really greener on the other side? Good things are good… until they aren’t. Then, were they ever really good?”
The singer knows just how to keep her fans happy, as this news comes after some of her major releases like, ‘Toxic’, ‘Valentine’s Day/Shameless’ and ‘Everybody’s Business’. These songs dive into the nastier side of relationships, which might just be one of the many tangents this album covers.
So, until May 8th, we’ll just have to sit tight!