P!nk’s Letter of Self-Love

P!nk is getting real about self love and acceptance, and we are here for it.
The punk-pop star took to Twitter to write herself a little love letter about age and growing older and it’s possibly the most wholesome thing we’ll see this week.
Apart from being an impressive vocalist, writer and performer, she’s always been vocal about loving oneself, creating an individual identity and being inclusive. Her impact on several young communities is notable and has always been an import part of her public persona.
The tweets are full of raw honesty. The singer even confesses that she’s considered plastic surgery to erase the age lines on her face, but quickly backs it up with self acceptance. She’s never taken herself too seriously and this little bit of writing only proves it. Complete with vulnerability and small doses of self-deprecating humor, it’s just the thing you need to get you through the week.
Take a look at the little (self) love letter below!