Selena Gomez Thanks Inspiring Black Leaders

Over the past few weeks, a number of musicians have rallied for the #BlackLivesMatter Movement. Some have taken their protests to social media, others on foot. Of the many active on social media, Selena Gomez recently put out a heartfelt message, thanking all the Black leaders who took over her Instagram page over the past two weeks.
The young star showed her gratitude to the 12 “inspiring” activists and authors for educating her 180 million followers. These 12 leaders have taken out the time and effort to address the current situation and show their support for the black community. Some discussed the importance of making the black community powerful in politics. In order to have more diverse, open-minded decision makers. Others took a brief history lesson, pointing out why things have deteriorated so much in the present. And finally, some leaders also discussed black trans activism and the issues that crop up when one is a part of two minority communities.
Selena Gomez Thanks Activists for Encouraging her Fans to Fight
Gomez began her note by thanking all these stunning leaders.
“I want to thank all of the amazing people that took the time to speak to us directly. I am blown away with your knowledge, eagerness to teach and commitment to ensuring Black voices are not silenced. Educating ourselves is the first step if we hope to make any progress in bringing an end to systemic racism.”
The star continued by mentioning how grateful she was to have this kind of platform. One that could ultimately help other voices to be heard.
“It’s not lost on me how fortunate I am to have this platform and appreciate you all for taking the time to watch, listen and take in the powerful messages and information we’ve been provided over the last two weeks by some of the most inspiring people I’ve come across in my life,” Gomez wrote. “If you missed any of these incredible IG stories they are all saved in my Story Highlights under #BLM and #BLM2. This is just the beginning and we will continue to hear from other Black voices and as well as other marginalized communities I am committed to doing the work and I hope you join me.”
Selena Gomez concluded her message by pushing people to vote. She even linked a site that could help with the registration process.
And so, the fight for racial justice continues.

By: Nina Karun